Sunday, October 20, 2013

Meyer Lemon

My Meyer Lemon from Logees in Danielson, Conn.  I bought this plant this spring.  It had a few small lemons on it which have since grown large enough to use.  I'm trying to decide what to make.  Maybe a Lemon Meringue Pie?!
    They recommend keeping it in an 8 inch pot.  I need to use a clay pot to keep it on the dry side.  There is nothing like the fragrance of the flowers in winter to keep you going till you can get back outside again.  I noticed that there was almost always a clump of flowers flowering all spring and their smell filled the room!  I put the plant outside for the summer, but I saw little new growth and most of the small lemons just fell off because of the heat.  Looks like this plant will not be going out next year.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

September Blooms

    Not much left flowering in the garden at this time of the year.  The dahlias look great!  Will pull the tubers before the first hard frost.

    The sedum Autumn Joy is so large it is falling over.  I have two large clumps of this, which need to be divided next year.

    I get so tired of trying to write this blog when nothing seems to work as it should!  This is my second attempt at it and as you can see, it won't let me enlarge my pictures now.  This is a chrysanthemumI bought this year.  Hopefully it's hardy, but not likely.
    The last of the tall Phlox.  This bloomed for alot longer than it normally does.  Maybe it enjoyed all that disgusting heat, I sure didn't! 
    The last of the tomatoes.  They were great tasting this year.  I think I will skip the Beefsteak tomatoes next year and just plant Betterboy's.  First time in years that I grew them from seed.

    More trouble with this blog, but maybe it will turn out alright when I finish!  If I finish!  This was our summer project that we did inside as the heat was too much to work outside.  This project was our toughest yet, but with the help of u tube you can learn anything!! 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum is Fruiting!

    Yesterday, I was finally getting to yardwork, when I noticed purple fruit under my plum tree.  I actually stepped on one in bare feet, so I knew how ripe they were.  I have never seen more than one or two fruits at a time on this tree, and now there are too many to count!  I decided to eat one and could not believe the flavor!  So sweet with a very tart skin!  Then I thought maybe I should have checked to see if they were edible before I ate it.  The tree is a Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum, an ornamental, they say rarely fruits.
    When I went online to check this out, most said this tree rarely fruits, purely ornamental.  Well, I know mine is fruiting!  They are about an inch and a half in size and very unblemished, until the birds find them!  Of all the sites I checked, only one said they were poisonous.  Others said they eat them and some even make jelly.  I would like to pick them so we don't step all over them and it would be nice to be able to eat them.  In all the research I did about this tree, I did see that it isn't a long lasting tree, only about 20 years or so, and I'm sure mine is atleast 15 years old.  I think I'll take better care of this tree, because it is a truely beautiful tree all season long.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Real Yard

    Because of the heat this summer, alot of weeding and other chores have gotten behind.  I'm in the "I can't wait for fall mode" and not really interested in yard work.  Here is a look at some of the things I should have taken care of.  To the far right is a Hibiscus.

   This plant has been eaten by tiny green caterpillars for three years now.  I guess I can't use the excuse of the heat anymore.  They must over winter in the soil and should be treated with a systemic to get rid of them.  It doesn't seem to affect the flowers though.
    Another job waiting, to remove this Dwarf Alberta Spruce that I stupidly planted last fall.  There are two of them and they will be way too big for this spot.  I am running out of room in this yard for larger shrubs.

    A lovely red Sedum, notice the three leaf plant nestled within it!  I need to pull quite a bit of this poison ivy throughout the yard.
    Another messy corner.  I need to take out this old composter and clean up this back corner of the yard.  Maybe a good place for the Alberta Spruces?
    On the bright side,  my first tomato.  Unfortunately, I had to wait till August 8th to pick it! (Happy Birthday Dad!)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Is This Heat Wave Really Over!!

    After seven days of over 90 degrees,  I am finally out in the yard again!  It has been too hot to get out and weed and now I am trying to catch up with yard chores.  Alot of annuals have stopped flowering, but with a little deadheading and water they should start again.  I don't have the usual color that I normally have.

        My Bee Balm was over 5 feet tall this year.  You should see it now after it was hit by a few downpours.  All broken and on the ground.

    My red Impatients are still growing, but with very few flowers.  This is an experiment to see if they will get the blight they had last year.  By this time last year they were all dead.  Most nurseries did not sell them and suggested Begonias instead.

    These Daylilies looked good after all the heat, but not alot of flowers.  I will be pulling all the dead leaves out of them shortly.  One of the drawbacks to Daylilies.

    A Lace Cap Hydrangea, looking okay as long as I got out to water it every day.  These seem to need alot of water.  A better picture would have showed how the flowers change color as they mature.  They start out more pink and change to purple as they age.  It looks like two different plants mixed together.

    Tomatoes on the vine waiting to ripen.  Late July and still waiting.  I should have planted cherry tomatoes to have while we wait.

            Sedums are doing well with this heat.  I have pink, red, and yellow.  They seem to enjoy the heat, alot more than I do.  The dewpoint is up again after a day or two and I am back in the house with the air conditioner on.  This summer has been unbearable and I am looking forward to the fall.  If I wanted heat like this, I would live in Florida, not Massachusetts!!!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Saving your Dahlias Tubers

    Last fall I remembered to lift my Dahlia tubers.  I over wintered them in the garage.  They say to carefully store them, but I just throw them in a plastic bag and then hang them up till the end of March.

    I always mix the tubers, so I'm never sure what color they will be until they flower.  I started them in the house the end of March to go out in early May.  If you start them too soon, they will be leggy.

    This year they are much bigger.  I left 2 or 3 tubers together for a fuller plant.  They are about 18 inches high and have been flowering non-stop since the end of May.

     Even the bees are enjoying them!  Just make sure you remember to dead head them and they will continue to flower all summer.  I think I will look into some taller ones next year. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Waterlilies in a Backyard Pond

    This year I have a waterlily flowering!  A tree over head has been cut back, so the pond is getting more light.  I'm hoping to have more flowers than this.  I have two pots that I leave in the pond over the winter.  They have gotten so big that they are now growing into the dirt at the bottom of the pond.

    My pond is surrounded by yellow and red sedums along with purple flowering lamium.  The waterlily pads are standing tall this year.

    Our new pond resident.  He actually let me take 4 or 5 pictures without getting upset.  He takes a flying leap into the pond when the lawnmower gets close!

                                    I love to see them close up when the sun starts to go down.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


    It seems to me that I'm always about a week behind getting these pictures on.  This is a peony that someone gave me.  I think it's called Nick Shaylor, very popular in the 40's.  It was about 4 feet high this year and bloomed profusely.  Unfortunately, the rain always manages to knock it over.

    I'm guessing that this maybe called Raspberry Sundae.  The flowers are not as large as my white one, but it is still beautiful.  The fragrance is a delight to the senses!

    Everyone should have a peony.  If you're having a problem with it flowering, you've probably planted it too deep.  Try lifting it alittle.  Otherwise, a very dependable plant!  I've had these plants for almost 20 years and they get larger every year.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Iris-One of my Favorite June Bloomers

    This bearded Iris is one of the few that I have bought over the years.  I no longer remember its name, but it is a lovely shade of pink.  It never seems to multiply and I usually only get one or two flowers.  I guess it must be telling me that it's time to move it to a better spot!

                        Another Iris I bought.  The picture doesn't show how truly blue this iris is.

    I have always called these Flag Iris.  I'm not sure if I'm right.  These were given to me by a friend and are always multiplying, waiting to be passed on to others.

    Another Bearded Iris in a bright yellow.  I also have them in a softer yellow.  These stand about three feet high and are always getting knocked over by the rain.

    I have three clumps of these and am always sharing them.  They multiply quickly and are a lovely shade of mauve.  They look nice surrounded by the Ladys Mantle underneath it.

                                                               Another old stand by. 

  And last but not least, a very tall Sibirian Iris.  This is one of my favorites.  Just a few of the many Iris's in my yard, blooming in June.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Poppies! Poppies! Poppies!

    These poppies have taken over the yard!  Every year I pull them and every year they're back.  I really don't mind them as I plant things around them after they bloom. 

    It's Memorial Day weekend and the temperature got down to 36 degrees the other night.  It poured rain and the wind chill was down to 30.  Alot of my annuals are still sitting on the deck waiting to be planted.

                                                  A little beaten, but still going strong!

                                The sun is finally out this morning!  Time to finish planting.