Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Is This Heat Wave Really Over!!

    After seven days of over 90 degrees,  I am finally out in the yard again!  It has been too hot to get out and weed and now I am trying to catch up with yard chores.  Alot of annuals have stopped flowering, but with a little deadheading and water they should start again.  I don't have the usual color that I normally have.

        My Bee Balm was over 5 feet tall this year.  You should see it now after it was hit by a few downpours.  All broken and on the ground.

    My red Impatients are still growing, but with very few flowers.  This is an experiment to see if they will get the blight they had last year.  By this time last year they were all dead.  Most nurseries did not sell them and suggested Begonias instead.

    These Daylilies looked good after all the heat, but not alot of flowers.  I will be pulling all the dead leaves out of them shortly.  One of the drawbacks to Daylilies.

    A Lace Cap Hydrangea, looking okay as long as I got out to water it every day.  These seem to need alot of water.  A better picture would have showed how the flowers change color as they mature.  They start out more pink and change to purple as they age.  It looks like two different plants mixed together.

    Tomatoes on the vine waiting to ripen.  Late July and still waiting.  I should have planted cherry tomatoes to have while we wait.

            Sedums are doing well with this heat.  I have pink, red, and yellow.  They seem to enjoy the heat, alot more than I do.  The dewpoint is up again after a day or two and I am back in the house with the air conditioner on.  This summer has been unbearable and I am looking forward to the fall.  If I wanted heat like this, I would live in Florida, not Massachusetts!!!

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