Tuesday, June 18, 2013


    It seems to me that I'm always about a week behind getting these pictures on.  This is a peony that someone gave me.  I think it's called Nick Shaylor, very popular in the 40's.  It was about 4 feet high this year and bloomed profusely.  Unfortunately, the rain always manages to knock it over.

    I'm guessing that this maybe called Raspberry Sundae.  The flowers are not as large as my white one, but it is still beautiful.  The fragrance is a delight to the senses!

    Everyone should have a peony.  If you're having a problem with it flowering, you've probably planted it too deep.  Try lifting it alittle.  Otherwise, a very dependable plant!  I've had these plants for almost 20 years and they get larger every year.

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