Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Real Yard

    Because of the heat this summer, alot of weeding and other chores have gotten behind.  I'm in the "I can't wait for fall mode" and not really interested in yard work.  Here is a look at some of the things I should have taken care of.  To the far right is a Hibiscus.

   This plant has been eaten by tiny green caterpillars for three years now.  I guess I can't use the excuse of the heat anymore.  They must over winter in the soil and should be treated with a systemic to get rid of them.  It doesn't seem to affect the flowers though.
    Another job waiting, to remove this Dwarf Alberta Spruce that I stupidly planted last fall.  There are two of them and they will be way too big for this spot.  I am running out of room in this yard for larger shrubs.

    A lovely red Sedum, notice the three leaf plant nestled within it!  I need to pull quite a bit of this poison ivy throughout the yard.
    Another messy corner.  I need to take out this old composter and clean up this back corner of the yard.  Maybe a good place for the Alberta Spruces?
    On the bright side,  my first tomato.  Unfortunately, I had to wait till August 8th to pick it! (Happy Birthday Dad!)

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