Sunday, July 5, 2015

Pictures on the 4th

A first for me, Sunflowers.  My son-in-law grows great sunflowers so I thought I would try them.  

       This dalia is about 3 ft. high this year.  Grown from my saved tubers, they seem to be bigger every year.

Most of my Bee Balm disappeared or came up much smaller.  I was glad I had put some extra next to the house ( as I can't seem to throw away perfectly good plants ).  I guess they didn't like being buried all winter.  I know I didn't!

                                     I think this is Japanese painted fern with a new coleus.

                             It's funny how my camera turns these dark purple petunias to blue.

I'm very protective of this one apple this year.  It's about 3 inches in diameter and I'm hoping nothing gets it.

Last, but not least, beautiful lilies.  These flowers are all on one stem.  They fell over so I tied them to the trellis.  Happy 4th of July!

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