Sunday, June 28, 2015

An Aging Cherry Tree

    This cherry tree is probably 18 to 20 years old.  I can't remember what year I planted it, but we've been here over 21 years now.  It's called North star, a tart cooking cherry. This spring brought the most cherries I've ever seen.  I don't know if it was the fertilizer or the longest and coldest winter in years, but the birds and I had plenty.

    I picked small amounts all week as they ripened.  Very tiring to pit because they are such a small cherry.  I continued to pit and freeze till I had enough to do something with.

    The best cherry preserves I've tasted in a long time.  I wanted to eat it by the spoonful, but I jarred it instead.  I made a plain one and one that I added jalapenos to.  I still don't think it's hot enough, but will try again next year.                                                                                                           

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