Sunday, June 28, 2015

An Aging Cherry Tree

    This cherry tree is probably 18 to 20 years old.  I can't remember what year I planted it, but we've been here over 21 years now.  It's called North star, a tart cooking cherry. This spring brought the most cherries I've ever seen.  I don't know if it was the fertilizer or the longest and coldest winter in years, but the birds and I had plenty.

    I picked small amounts all week as they ripened.  Very tiring to pit because they are such a small cherry.  I continued to pit and freeze till I had enough to do something with.

    The best cherry preserves I've tasted in a long time.  I wanted to eat it by the spoonful, but I jarred it instead.  I made a plain one and one that I added jalapenos to.  I still don't think it's hot enough, but will try again next year.                                                                                                           

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

My Vegetable Garden in June

   The vegetables are in and growing quickly.  Mesclun lettuce is up and being eaten already.  Swiss chard is up, but still small.  I've never grown it before, so don't know what to expect.

   I've built a rack on the left for my cucumbers, and put watermelon plants under it with jalapeno peppers in front of them.  Less weeding when you crowd everything.  In the middle is a bean pole for my pole beans, if the bunny stays away from my bean plants.  Trying a little homemade fencing to keep him away.

   A new addition to the yard.  I hope it works cause I really miss my compost I used to have in the spring.  More Mesclun lettuce under it.

   Chives are flowering and taste great in potato salad.  Being buried in snow all winter didn't seem to hurt them.

   These are my cucumber plants that I grew from seed.  I also planted more seeds last week end.  I have a great pickle recipe that I want to try.