Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cucumbers and Tomatoes

    Started a bucket of cucumbers this year.  I never seem to have any luck when I plant them in the ground.  I have quite a few cucumbers on the vine, with a lot more flowers coming.  This may be the way to go, no critters climbing the 2 foot pot to get at them.  I haven't seen any cucumber beetles either.

    Tomatoes are about six feet high already.  No large tomatoes yet, but it was August last year before I got my first one.

    I do have cherry tomatoes though.  I grew them from seed, Burpee Sweet 100's, and they are tough and small.  Nothing like the Sweet 100's I used to grow.  I'm hoping they'll get better as the season goes on, maybe a new variety next year?

    Dill is taking over.  I just love picking fresh herbs right out my back door!  We've been eating alot of basil too.  Yesterday I picked my first green beans and we ate them for supper.  Great tasting!

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