Sunday, March 10, 2013

Is Spring Finally Here?


  Well, Ellie, do you think they put this up for us?  I can't wait to jump up on the shelves and eat all those nice tender plants.

    I think I'll just lay here in the sun, Jake, while you get yourself into trouble yet again!!

    It feels good just to plant some seeds and do a few cuttings.  I've started taking cuttings from geraniums that were in the garage.  I bought an ivy at a local nursery and started cuttings from that.  Basil seeds, both green and purple, were planted and a list was done of starting dates for the rest of my seeds.  And then:

    Another 18 to 20 inches of snow!  This picture was taken 2 days after the storm, so it has already started to melt.  Thank goodness we decided to get a snowblower a few weeks ago.  Lets just hope this is the end of it!

    When I went out to take the picture of the snow, I looked down by the deck and saw my daylilies starting to pop up.  I think spring may finally be here!

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