Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bottling Cider

    At 7:30 this morning I was washing beer bottles and getting ready to bottle my hard cider.  I used to pick fresh blackberries to go in this, but have since realized how much easier it is to go to the store and buy my fruit juices.  It tastes just as good.  I capped 43 bottles and broke the neck off of one.  I don't know my own strength, or these beer bottles get weaker the more you cap them.

    I'm still working on my back corner.  Will probably wait till next year to add my plants as there is not much left at the nurseries at this time of the year.  It is Sept. 2 and the Ash tree in my backyard has been sending down it's leaves for about a week now.  Seems awful early. but I'm looking forward to the fall after this hot dry summer.

    The flowers on this stairway have finally filled in.  We may not have deer, but we do have very hungry bunnies that seem to like my choice of annuals! 

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