Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Iris-One of my Favorite June Bloomers

    This bearded Iris is one of the few that I have bought over the years.  I no longer remember its name, but it is a lovely shade of pink.  It never seems to multiply and I usually only get one or two flowers.  I guess it must be telling me that it's time to move it to a better spot!

                        Another Iris I bought.  The picture doesn't show how truly blue this iris is.

    I have always called these Flag Iris.  I'm not sure if I'm right.  These were given to me by a friend and are always multiplying, waiting to be passed on to others.

    Another Bearded Iris in a bright yellow.  I also have them in a softer yellow.  These stand about three feet high and are always getting knocked over by the rain.

    I have three clumps of these and am always sharing them.  They multiply quickly and are a lovely shade of mauve.  They look nice surrounded by the Ladys Mantle underneath it.

                                                               Another old stand by. 

  And last but not least, a very tall Sibirian Iris.  This is one of my favorites.  Just a few of the many Iris's in my yard, blooming in June.

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