Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spring Flowers in May

    These are the most wonderful miniature Crested Iris!  They have so many blooms this spring.  They are about 5 inches high and one of my first plants to flower.  They grow best in partial shade.  I gave these to my sister as a graduation present when she graduated from college.  The next year she shared them with me and I have continued to share with others.  I think one of the best things about gardening is the sharing of plants and walking among them and remembering the people who gave them to you. 

    A few Tulips with some white Rockcress.  I didn't think I had much for color in the yard till I started taking pictures.  I think the heavy snow cover helped this year as everything out now seems to be blooming profusely.

    The ever present Johnny Jump-ups!  Although I noticed there weren't many left from last year.

     A new addition to the garden.  This one is much smaller then the one I had last year.  Maybe a baby?

    A small Azalea that has not done much in the 7 or 8 years I've had it.  Maybe a little more sun will do the trick. 

    This is a Lamium, or Dead Nettle.  It makes a great ground cover in shade.  Once established, it can withstand considerable drought.

    Another Lamium in a different color along with Sweet Woodruff, which has a wonderful fragrance.

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