Monday, May 27, 2013

Poppies! Poppies! Poppies!

    These poppies have taken over the yard!  Every year I pull them and every year they're back.  I really don't mind them as I plant things around them after they bloom. 

    It's Memorial Day weekend and the temperature got down to 36 degrees the other night.  It poured rain and the wind chill was down to 30.  Alot of my annuals are still sitting on the deck waiting to be planted.

                                                  A little beaten, but still going strong!

                                The sun is finally out this morning!  Time to finish planting.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spring Flowers in May

    These are the most wonderful miniature Crested Iris!  They have so many blooms this spring.  They are about 5 inches high and one of my first plants to flower.  They grow best in partial shade.  I gave these to my sister as a graduation present when she graduated from college.  The next year she shared them with me and I have continued to share with others.  I think one of the best things about gardening is the sharing of plants and walking among them and remembering the people who gave them to you. 

    A few Tulips with some white Rockcress.  I didn't think I had much for color in the yard till I started taking pictures.  I think the heavy snow cover helped this year as everything out now seems to be blooming profusely.

    The ever present Johnny Jump-ups!  Although I noticed there weren't many left from last year.

     A new addition to the garden.  This one is much smaller then the one I had last year.  Maybe a baby?

    A small Azalea that has not done much in the 7 or 8 years I've had it.  Maybe a little more sun will do the trick. 

    This is a Lamium, or Dead Nettle.  It makes a great ground cover in shade.  Once established, it can withstand considerable drought.

    Another Lamium in a different color along with Sweet Woodruff, which has a wonderful fragrance.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Northstar Cherry Tree

    My Northstar Cherry Tree is flowering.  There is an Ash Tree that is shading it, but we had to have it cut back as it was on the roof and I was hearing the pitter patter of little feet this winter, in the attic.  Hopefully this will solve the problem of guests in the attic!  Ash Trees in Massachusetts are now dying of some disease and I was told this one doesn't have more than a few years left.  Now maybe I will get some cherries as this tree will have more sun.  These cherries are very tart, but great for jams and jellies.  Usually I let the birds have them because theres not enough to bother with.

    I've finally moved my portable greenhouse out to the deck.  It was 36 degrees when I got up this morning, with a frost on the front lawn.  This winter still doesn't want to let go!  I planted beets about a week ago and they're just starting to come up.  I added 4 heads of a red lettuce this week.  Morning temps look like they will be up this week, so I think I'll start planting my annuals next week-end.