Saturday, September 1, 2012

Saving your Geraniums


    I took these pictures in July and I'm finally getting them on.  This is an older Hibiscus that I have had for years.  Not sure of its name, but beautiful this year.  This plant is over 6 feet.

   I love this grass!  It's called Golden Japanese Forest Grass.  It says it's deer resistant.  Thankfully I don't have that problem!  Mid summer, this gets a touch of pink on the stems.  It has been slow growing, but I've managed to divide it and now have two.  The geranium on the far right is one that I pulled last year and over wintered in the garage.  Just pull them out and shake off the dirt.  Put them in a plastic bag and hang them up till about February.  When you take them out of the bag you will probably see some new growth.  I clean off some of the dead stems and then put them in water.  Plant them in potting soil after a week or so.
I can usually bring back 2 out of 3 plants.  We are a zone 5 here ( or maybe close to a zone 6 ) so it's pretty cold in the garage.  Something to do in the winter, and it's nice to see something flowering!

    I'm actually beginning to like Hosta.  This one takes quite a bit of sun without burning.  The older I get , the more I'm thinking about plants with no upkeep.

     A beautiful daylily!  It's too bad they only last a day.  I love this color, but don't like how they die back after flowering.

     Bee balm ( monarda) I think this was called Raspberry Sundae.  The hummingbirds go crazy over these.  If I dead head, I get about 5 or 6 weeks of bloom.  I have just finished transplanting the whole bed of these.  I hope they do well where I put them.

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