Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Start of a New Season

    After a terribly cold and long winter, I'm ready to go again!  It's the first week in May and the weather is finally warming up.  All of the plants I started indoors have been brought out on the deck to slowly get used to being outdoors.  Hoping not to "sunburn" them as I have in the past.  I started dahlias from tubers, and geraniums and coleus from cuttings. I have basil, cilantro, parsley, and dill started from seed.  My rosemary did well over wintering in the house and was blooming for most of the winter. Riley, my grandson, helped me start watermelon, sunflowers, pumpkins, acorn squash, zucchini, and summer squash.  I'm trying a new yellow cherry tomato and of course my better boy tomatoes.  I also have some cucumber plants that are about 8 inches long, and a few armenian cucumbers too.  Earlier this week I planted mesclun lettuce and swiss chard in my raised bed.  Here's hoping everything makes it!