Friday, June 20, 2014

Peonies and Baptisia

    The Peonies look great this year, although the flowers are smaller.  The white ones in the background are a little larger than the pink.  I love the smell, as they remind me of a neighbor who grew them as big as my head, when I was a child.  The Baptisia is also smaller this year.  It was a long winter.  After they finish blooming, they will have dark grey seed pods that can be dried for decoration.

    My Pink Iris have multiplied this year.  I thought I was going to lose them a few years ago, but they've finally come back.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

What's Flowering in Early June

It's June first and a look at what's flowering.  This Rhododendron is waiting for a haircut.  It has gotten so large that it really needs to be cut back and I'm just waiting for it to finish flowering.  I have cut back the Holly and Euonymus that grow along the fence.  Everything growing here has gotten too large and chocked out all the perennials in between them.                       


This is my Holly that was over 4 ft. tall.  Every leaf had died from a late frost.  I've cut it back in hopes that it will send out more leaves.  I don't know how long I can look at it, and there is a nice Alberta Spruce around the corner just waiting to take it's place! 


    Well, back to small pictures.  No matter how many times you complain about this site, they never seem to listen.  This is my tiered vegetable garden.  We are already eatting loose leaf lettuce, cilantro, and chives.  I've planted Better Boy Tomatoes and Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes.  I've also got some Basil and carrots in there.

             Some Rhubarb is waiting for some recipes that don't involve pies or squares.

                 I've cut my Golden Japanese Forest Grass into 4 plants to line the walkway up the stairs.   This has been a slow grower, but well worth the wait.      
                   Thanks,  Amy , for this clematis.  It's nice to have sisters that share their plants!

            The Poppies are flowering right under the Hummingbird feeder.  I put the feeder out the last week in April and I saw them there within a day or so.  I'm also watching a nest of Robins in the Holly bush against the fence.  They have been attacking any one that comes too close.  They actually know what birds will attack the babies and chase them away.  The Morning Doves are allowed right next to the baby bird that fell out of the nest, but the chipmunk was dive bombed and pecked!  I didn't see him there again.