Thursday, September 26, 2013

September Blooms

    Not much left flowering in the garden at this time of the year.  The dahlias look great!  Will pull the tubers before the first hard frost.

    The sedum Autumn Joy is so large it is falling over.  I have two large clumps of this, which need to be divided next year.

    I get so tired of trying to write this blog when nothing seems to work as it should!  This is my second attempt at it and as you can see, it won't let me enlarge my pictures now.  This is a chrysanthemumI bought this year.  Hopefully it's hardy, but not likely.
    The last of the tall Phlox.  This bloomed for alot longer than it normally does.  Maybe it enjoyed all that disgusting heat, I sure didn't! 
    The last of the tomatoes.  They were great tasting this year.  I think I will skip the Beefsteak tomatoes next year and just plant Betterboy's.  First time in years that I grew them from seed.

    More trouble with this blog, but maybe it will turn out alright when I finish!  If I finish!  This was our summer project that we did inside as the heat was too much to work outside.  This project was our toughest yet, but with the help of u tube you can learn anything!!