Sunday, October 28, 2012

New England Foliage

   Well, this is it!  We're waiting for Sandy to come up the coast and that will be it for all our fall colors.  I guess it'll be easier to clean up all the leaves at once instead of weekend after weekend.  A few more pictures before it's all gone.

    This Burning Bush sits under our large maple tree out front.  It gets no attention or water all summer.  This shrub is one of the first plants to start changing color.  From what I hear, it cannot be sold in Ma. because it has become so invasive.  I guess the birds eat the berries and spread seeds all over the place.  I've seen alot more plants that ought to be put on the list ahead of this one. 

    This Sedum, Autumn Joy, has turned from a pink to a nice rust.  The only thing I don't like about it, is how it falls over.

    Nice colors from a Spirea and another pink Sedum.  The Spirea comes up all over the yard and gets very large within a year or two.

                                                                Nice foliage!

    A nice little Fleurette Chrysanthemum that I picked up at the grocery store.  I don't know if it's hardy or not.  Nice colors though.

                                                   One last bloom from a potted Fushia.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Golden Japanese Forest Grass

    This grass looks amazing this fall!  A very slow grower, but once it takes off you will love the fall colors.  I can see why it was voted Perennial Plant of the Year in 2009.  I have two of them, and I've noticed that the one that gets more sun has more pink in it.  This one gets sun till about 2:00 p.m.  This gets to be about 12" to 18".  I have cut back my oat grass already because it was so tall it falls over and it seeds itself all over the yard.  In the spring I will dig it up and look for some less invasive grasses to replace it.